Perception of the educational community regarding the effects of the educational transition given in the traditional normal schools


  • Dunia Marcela Marroquín Miranda Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



educational transition, teaching career, high school, educational quality, training


PROBLEM: in the municipality of Chiquimula, the transition from the Teaching career to the Baccalaureate in Sciences and Letters with an orientation in Education has been proposed as a strategy to improve the training of future teachers. OBJECTIVE: determine the perception of the educational community regarding the effects of the educational transition given in the traditional normal schools of the municipality of Chiquimula. METHOD: the mixed approach with descriptive scope was used, using concurrent design, case study method, focus groups with fifth-high school students, semi-structured interview techniques with administrative staff, surveys and as an interview guide and questionnaire instrument to obtain information about the perception of the participants. RESULTS: it is evident that the majority of participants have new knowledge and skills, the greatest connection with the educational reality and the possibility of accessing a university degree. However, some challenges have also been identified, such as the need for adequate education and training, the allocation of sufficient resources and the adaptation to new educational methodologies. CONCLUSION: Regarding having chosen the career of Teaching in Intercultural Primary Education, it is satisfying to know that everyone did it by vocation, some by family legacy and being able to get a job with the Ministry of Education. The advantage they see is that the Teaching Staff is at the university level and is complete when requiring a position in the future.



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Author Biography

Dunia Marcela Marroquín Miranda, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Profesora de Enseñanza Media en Ciencias Económico Contables, Profesora de Enseñanza Media en Ciencias de la Educación, Licenciada en Pedagogía e Investigación Educativa, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Magister en Educación con mención en Formador de Formadores, Universidad Rafael Landívar.  Cierre de pensum del Doctorado en Educación por la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Docente en Facultad de Humanidades, sede Chiquimula plan sábado de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Marroquín Miranda, D. M. (2024). Perception of the educational community regarding the effects of the educational transition given in the traditional normal schools . Revista Guatemalteca De Educación Superior, 7(2), 12–22.



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