From positivism to developmentalism: historical sketch of the University of El Salvador, 1870-1960


  • Luis Antonio Tobar Quintero Universidad de El Salvador



positivism, culture, developmentalism, college models


PROBLEM: the influences of positivist and developmentalist ideas in the direction of the professionalizing model at the University of El Salvador. OBJECTIVE: to explain the institutional development of the University of El Salvador, knowing the sociological bases of the study on the university, from the entry of the positivist ideas promoted by the liberals of the late nineteenth century, passing through the vitalist influence, that is, the ideas of culture and education as the central activity of the university, until reaching the development stage, where the greatest scientific, artistic and cultural growth took place in the mid-20th century. METHOD: a qualitative documentary method was used, since the main sources of consultation were magazines, books and websites. RESULT: the influence of positivist and developmentalist ideas within the university was deepened and which were some of the most representative intellectuals of these times. CONCLUSION: The university went through various periods of advances and setbacks, until it reached the stage of greatest growth in the middle of the 20th century.


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Author Biography

Luis Antonio Tobar Quintero, Universidad de El Salvador

Maestro en Estudios de Cultura Centroamericana, Opción Literatura por la referida facultad.  Actualmente es jefe de la Biblioteca de la FMOcc. Es Licenciado en Sociología por la Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente de la Universidad de El Salvador, investigador del grupo Historia y coyuntura: perspectivas marxistas del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).


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How to Cite

Tobar Quintero, L. A. (2023). From positivism to developmentalism: historical sketch of the University of El Salvador, 1870-1960. Revista Guatemalteca De Educación Superior, 6(1), 15–31.



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