The five pillars of digital competence in the training of undergraduate students


  • Villma Alcira Leal Sosa Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



information, literacy, digital competence, training


PROBLEM: the lack of knowledge of the five pillars of digital competence in the training of university students, had as a consequence that there is inequality in terms of access to information, the use of information technology and communication, that is, often a digital gap, in relation to the population that has access to internet and has the technological resources and those who lack such resources, for this reason,  it should be considered as a basic element for both their personal and professional training. OBJECTIVE: to stablish the level of knowledge of the pillars of digital skills that undergraduate students have. METHOD: quantitive approach, non-experimental design, the instrument used was the survey, with a sample of 78 students by the non-probabilistic method. RESULTS: 92.3% of students know that the pillar of information and literacy is the set of skills and abilities that people need to perform tasks with information, 88.5 % know that the communication and development pillar is associated with communicating in digital environments, sharing resources through online tools and participating in communities, 79.5% link the digital content creation pillar with being capable of using imagination, 88.5% understand the importance of security as one of the pillars, personal protection, data protection and digital identity must be kept in mind in a responsible manner, 75.6% know what problem solving consists of because the pillar of competence is linked to the needs, using appropriate digital resources to solve problems related to learning. CONCLUSION: of the pillars of digital skills, the one with the highest percentage in the applied surveys is information and literacy, which allows them to develop skills and abilities in digital environments.


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Author Biography

Villma Alcira Leal Sosa, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante del Doctorado en Educación con pensum cerrado, con Maestría en Docencia Universitaria, Licenciatura en Pedagogía y Ciencias de la Educación, Profesora de Enseñanza Media en Pedagogía y Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Humanidades, USAC. En cuanto experiencia en investigación, se han realizado las que se requieren previo a optar al grado académico.


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How to Cite

Leal Sosa, V. A. (2024). The five pillars of digital competence in the training of undergraduate students. Revista Guatemalteca De Educación Superior, 7(1), 137–150.



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