Operators of complex thinking and necessary knowledge in the disciplinary discourses of forestry students


  • Brenda Iliana Gallegos López Universidad de El Salvador (UES)
  • José Alonso Andrade Salazar Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO)




complexity, forestry, thought, knowledge, students


PROBLEM: The lack of information and application of complex thinking operators and necessary knowledge in the disciplinary discourses of forestry students at the National University of Forestry Sciences (UNACIFOR) of the Republic of Honduras. OBJECTIVE: The presence of complex thinking in the disciplinary discourses of students was explored, since traditionally there is a predominantly positive thinking that fragments and linearizes the articulated and complex understanding of knowledge. METHOD: Relational, complexifying or transmethodological research is adopted as a methodology, transdisciplinary understanding and investigative rhizome as a transmethod, while in-depth interviews were implemented as a technique. RESULTS: The findings account for the manifestations of the systemic-organizational, retroactive and dialogical principles as the predominant operators of complex thinking; while, as knowledge: human condition, understanding, uncertainty and ethics of the human gender in the disciplinary discourse of students. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that three operators and four knowledge demonstrate the presence of complex thinking, and the need to create didactic strategies to help raise awareness of the involvement of the necessary operators and knowledge in the training process.



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Author Biography

Brenda Iliana Gallegos López, Universidad de El Salvador (UES)

Doctorado en Educación con Especialidad de Educación Superior Universidad de El Salvador. Maestra en Didáctica y Formación del Profesorado. Especialista en Educación del Consumidor. Profesora de la Universidad de El Salvador. Email: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0003-2519-4545


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How to Cite

Gallegos López, B. I., & Andrade Salazar , J. A. (2024). Operators of complex thinking and necessary knowledge in the disciplinary discourses of forestry students. Revista Guatemalteca De Educación Superior, 7(1), 79–95. https://doi.org/10.46954/revistages.v7i1.127



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