Dimensions of oral communication in students of spanish as a foreign language: a multidimensional approach


  • Chess Emmanuel Briceño Núñez Universidad Nacional Experimental Libertador




oral competence, effective communication, intercultural communication, nonverbal skills


PROBLEM: this study focuses on the complexity of oral communication in students of Spanish as a foreign language, considering the interaction of physical, linguistic, cognitive and socio-emotional factors that influence effective communication. OBJECTIVE: to analyze oral communication in Brazilian students at A2 level of Spanish, identifying strengths and weaknesses in verbal and non-verbal aspects, understanding the interaction between these factors. METHOD: using a descriptive approach and qualitative-quantitative methodology, 25 students between the ages of 20 and 25 were evaluated. An instrument was designed to measure oral skills, evaluating fluency, body language, choice of content, pronunciation and discursive structure. RESULTS: participants stand out in fluency, body language, and choice of content when communicating in Spanish. Areas of improvement, such as pronunciation and discourse structure, were identified, suggesting approaches for future teaching. CONCLUSION: the study underlines the multidimensional nature of oral ability in foreign language learning. It highlights the importance of considering both verbal and non-verbal aspects in teaching oral communication, along with authenticity and adaptability. The research evidences the connection between persuasive and expressive elements, emphasizing the relevance of vitality and authenticity in oral expression.


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Author Biography

Chess Emmanuel Briceño Núñez, Universidad Nacional Experimental Libertador

Maestrías en Educación con mención en Administración educativa, Informática y diseño instruccional, Estudios sociales y culturales de los Andes, Lingüística y Administración de Negocios. Licenciado en Educación Lenguas Extranjeras e Integral. Estudios técnicos en contabilidad y mercadotecnia. Autor de 50+ publicaciones en 21 países de América, Europa y África. Experiencia docente en Venezuela, Ecuador y Brasil.


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How to Cite

Briceño Núñez, C. E. (2024). Dimensions of oral communication in students of spanish as a foreign language: a multidimensional approach. Revista Guatemalteca De Educación Superior, 7(1), 46–64. https://doi.org/10.46954/revistages.v7i1.125



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