Environmental education immersed in the complexity from a sustainable approach


  • Autor Rene Marcelo Bacarreza Molina Escuela Militar de Ingeniería de Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • coautora Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes Universidad Mariano Galvez de Guatemala




environmental education, sustainable development, paradigm, complexity, cognitive


OBJECTIVE: to expose the role of environmental education of an ecosocial nature speaking of Eco, in the ecological and economic end plus the social in the current spatial and temporal context. It seeks to give a special dimension, which can be the impact on teaching. METHOD: bibliographic review of authors of complexity sciences and environmental education. RESULTS: for environmental education, it is very valuable to clarify the ecological, social and educational pre-eminence, in order to consolidate an individualization of the main axes such as environmental education with an ecosocial approach and sow a framework for reflection and transforming awareness of an education that allows to investigate the necessary to understand the environmental value in everything that surrounds the world and is used in daily life. CONCLUSION: takes as its starting point the incentive for international deliberation on how to educate for a sustainable future with respect for the environment, becoming part or introducing within all types of education and professionalization. When we talk about economic and productive education, we are addressing the context of cultural contamination in society when external or foreign production is preferred and not internal or national production, with the sole pretext of framing, in saying that what is produced outside is better than inside.


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How to Cite

Bacarreza Molina, A. R. M., & Villela Cervantes, coautora C. E. (2023). Environmental education immersed in the complexity from a sustainable approach. Revista Guatemalteca De Educación Superior, 6(2), 72–79. https://doi.org/10.46954/revistages.v6i2.120



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